Codes of Conduct


  • I will show good sportsmanship to players, coaches, officials, opponents, and parents at every game and practice.

  • I will learn the value of commitment by participating in as many practices and games as I can.

  • I will encourage my teammates and praise good efforts.

  • I will be honest, fair, and respectful to others at all times.

  • I will aim to learn all I can from sports.

  • I will arrive at practice on time and be ready to dedicate my attention to my coaches.


Inappropriate behavior by parents, coaches and athletes toward referees, other parents and kids at sporting events has been increasing for years. This has led, among other things to a shortage of referees, meaning we have fewer referees at games, which only increase the problem due to more missed calls, etc. We would like to remind parents that it is OUR responsibility to reinforce and model good sportsmanship and behavior for our children at these competitions.

There is an increase of reports that referees are being berated during and after games, are being followed to their cars, and even stalked or insulted online. This type of behavior occurring at any level, but especially in youth sports in unacceptable!

We would like to remind parents that coaches and parents can be fined and suspended by the club and by the league for poor sideline behavior. Referees are becoming more aware of this behavior and will be quicker to remove parents or even coaches based on parent behavior and may stop games until unruly parents have left the premises. In extreme cases, they may even terminate the game.

Coaches have been reminded to monitor sideline behavior, but we must all do our part to respect the officials and your coaches. Your children are watching!

We would like to emphasize that inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated by the club. Any parents who's behavior leads to a coach being carded by the referee will be required to leave the current game immediately and also to serve a 1 game suspension for the first offense. Please note that this suspension is not for the child - in fact, the suspension must be served in a game which the child is playing. Additional offenses may result in further suspensions or fines or expulsion of the family from the club. Good behavior from parents helps ensure a positive sports experience for every athlete.

Parent behavior trickles down to the players and teams. We ask that every parent commit to the guidelines below during the season:

  • I will put the emotional and physical well-being of youth participants ahead of a personal desire to win.
  • I will respect players, coaches, officials, spectators and other families at all times.
  • I will respect the decisions and calls of the officials and coaches.
  • I will not engage in any violence or verbal threats or use any profanity
  • I will not coach my child from the sideline during games
  • I will model good sportsmanship for all youth participants
  • I will not belittle or ridicule anyone involved in a youth sporting event in public, private, in-person or on line
  • I will do my part to keep sports fun and positive for every youth participant


I am (We are) the licensed and carded coach(s) responsible today my team.

I have read, am familiar with and understand the rules of NCSA applicable to my team and to this game. We understand that only carded coaches who have signed the roster may coach or provide direction to the players.

I promise to treat all players, coaches, spectators and officials with respect that I would want toward my children, family and friends.

I have discussed at least once this season with my players their responsibilities and proper conduct and behavior towards players, coaches and officials under FIFA and NCSA rules.

I have discussed at least once this season with, and given a copy of this code of conduct to, all parents and team supporters of players participating in this game concerning proper behavior as spectators at a youth sports event, including:

  • Encourage your team (but only the coaches coach)
  • Treat the opposing team (players, coaches, spectators) with respect as you would treat your own child, your team's coach and
  • fellow spectators
  • Treat the officials with respect; FIFA rules prohibit dissent of any type, by word or action, even if you are right.
  • No alcohol and no smoking of any type is permitted within view of the players and the field during games.
  • As adults and especially as coaches, we must set a good example for the players and other young persons present who will follow our conduct.